Dr. phil., M.A.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1418-0818
since 09/2023: Dr. phil. in Communication Research at the Department of Communication at the University of Mainz with a thesis on native advertising.
since 08/2023: Assistant at the Office for Student Affairs.
since 10/2016: Research Assistant at the Department of Communication at the University of Mainz (Department corporate communications; Prof. Dr. Thomas Koch).
2014-2016: Studies of communication (M.A.) at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
2010-2014: Studies of communication (major) and political sciences (minor) (B.A.) at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the Université de Bourgogne in Dijon, France.
During the studies, various activities as a research assistant at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz as well as internships and part-time jobs at IFAK Institute für Markt- und Sozialforschung (Media & Communication; Taunusstein), Flashaar LEDLight GmbH (Online Marketing; Bingen), Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg (Media and Methods Department, New Media Division; Stuttgart), Deutscher Caritasverband e.V. (Press and Public Relations Office; Freiburg).
Long-term involvement in the student council "Publizistik" and the institute magazine "Publizissimus" (including editor-in-chief) as well as in other university projects.
Research Interest
- Advertising communication and advertising impact (especially native advertising)
- Persuasive communication
- Internal corporate communications
Professional Organizations and Service to the Scientific Community
- Reviewer for various national and international conferences and journals as well as for the SoSci Panel.
- Activities in academic self-administration.
- Member of various professional associations, including the International Communication Association (ICA), European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), German Communication Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, DGPuK)
Awards and Achievements
- Award for an outstanding seminar paper in communication science (2016).