ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8093-4644
Marc Ziegele, Oliver Quiring, Ilka Jakobs, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Daniel Stegmann, Nayla Fawzi, Nikolaus Jackob, Christina Viehmann (2024): Perceptions of incivility in the public discourse and its potential democratic consequences: Insights from a representative survey in Germany. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the ECREA "Communication & social (dis)order" (Ljubljana, Slowenia, 24.-27.09.2024).
Ilka Jakobs (2024): Erhebung der Mediennutzung in digitalisierten Medienumgebungen – ein Methoden-Experiment zum Vergleich verschiedener Messungen. [Capturing Media Use in Digitized Media Environments - a Method Experiment to Compare Different Measurements.] Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association DGPuK "Visions for a better life. Media and communication in tomorrow's society" (Erfurt, 13.-15.03.2024).
Ilka Jakobs (2023): Misstrauen in Medien – ein im Vergleich zu Vertrauen bisher vernachlässigtes Konstrukt. Ein Beitrag zu theoretischer Konzeption und Forschungsdesiderata in Bezug auf Misstrauen. [Mistrust in Media - a Neglected Construct Compared to Trust. A Contribution to Theoretical Concepts and Research Desiderata in Relation to Mistrust] Presentation at the Conference "Media Mistrust" of the DGPuK-section "Sociology of Mass Communication" (Mannheim, 29.11.-01.12.2023).
Ilka Jakobs, Nayla Fawzi, Nikolaus Jackob, Oliver Quiring, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Daniel Stegmann, Christina Viehmann, Marc Ziegele (2023): Medienzynismus in Krisenzeiten – fundamentales Misstrauen den Medien gegenüber vor, während und nach der Corona-Pandemie. [Media Cynicism in Times of Crisis - Fundamental Mistrust Against the Media Before, During, and After the Corona Pandemic.] Presentation at the Conference "Media Mistrust" of the DGPuK-section "Sociology of Mass Communication" (Mannheim, 29.11.-01.12.2023).
Nayla Fawzi, Ilka Jakobs, Nina Steindl, Magdalena Obermaier, Dorothee Arlt, Marco Dohle, Katherine M. Engelke, Nikolaus Jackob, Tilman Klawier, Henriette Pohle, Fabian Prochazka, Wolfgang Schweiger, Marc Ziegele (2023): Glaubwürdigkeitsheuristiken und die Entwicklung von Medienmisstrauen – Erkenntnisse aus qualitativen Interviews mit Jugendlichen. [Credibility Heuristics and the Development of Media Mistrust - Findings from Qualitative Interviews with Adolescents.] Presentation at the Conference "Media Mistrust" of the DGPuK-section "Sociology of Mass Communication" (Mannheim, 29.11.-01.12.2023).
Ilka Jakobs & Oliver Quiring (2023, eingeladen): Erkenntnisse aus der Mainzer Langzeitstudie Medienvertrauen zum Vertrauen in den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk. [Findings from the Mainz Long-Term Study on Media Trust on Trust in Public Service Broadcasting.] Presentation at the Enquete Commission "Increasing Trust in Public Broadcasting through Transparency and the Will to Reform" of the Saxony-Anhalt State Parliament (Magdeburg, 14.09.2023).
Christina Viehmann, Daniel Stegmann, Marc Ziegele, Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Oliver Quiring, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz (2023): The good, the bad, and those in between? Trust as an intervening variable between using different news sources and opinion polarization. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) (Toronto, Canada, 25.-29. May 2023).
Ilka Jakobs (2023, invited): Vertrauen in Journalismus als Gold-Standard erfüllter Publikumserwartungen? [Trust in Journalism as the Gold Standard of Fulfilled Audience Expectations?] Lecture in the joint lecture series of the universities of Erfurt, Tübingen and Münster in Erfurt (18.04.2023).
Ilka Jakobs (2023, invited): Vertrauen in Presse und Wissenschaft. [Trust in the Press and in Science.] Live-Podcast in the series "Trust Issues" in the project „Trust as the foundation of a societal future“ at the Leuphana University Lüneburg (07.02.2023).
Ilka Jakobs (2023, invited): Vertrauen in Medien in Krisenzeiten – Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Zeiten von Corona-Pandemie, Ukraine-Krieg und Energiekrise. [Trust in the Media in Times of Crisis - Actual Developments in Times of Corona, War in the Ukraine and Energy Crisis.] Presentation at the workshop "Trust, Crisis, Catastrophe III: Practices" at the University Wuppertal (19.01.2023).
Maike Resing, Marc Ziegele, Katharina Frehmann, Nikolaus Jackob, Ilka Jakobs, Oliver Quiring, Christian Schemer, Tanjev Schultz, Christina Viehmann (2022): Associations Between People’s Socioeconomic, Political, and Media-Related Characteristics, COVID-19 Conspiracy Beliefs, and Vaccination Intentions. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) "One World, One Network?" (Paris, 26.-30.05.2022).
Ilka Jakobs, Marc Ziegele, Tanjev Schultz, Nikolaus Jackob, Christian Schemer, Oliver Quiring (2021): Explaining Media Trust: A Long-Term Analysis of Factors Influencing General Media Trust. Presentation at the Digital Annual Conference of the ECREA "Communication and Trust" (6.-9.09.2021).
Ilka Jakobs, Tanjev Schultz, Marc Ziegele, Nikolaus Jackob, Oliver Quiring, Christian Schemer (2021): Trust in the Media System and Trust in Media Types – about the Relationship of Trust in Different Media Object. Presentation at the Digital Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) (7.-9.04.2021).
Christian Schemer, Marc Ziegele, Tanjev Schultz, Oliver Quiring, Nikolaus Jackob & Ilka Jakobs (2020): Media Effects on Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories. Paper presented at the 103. Conference (virtual) of The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) (August 6-9 2020).
Ilka Jakobs (2020): Auswirkungen einer Vertrauensverletzung auf das Medienvertrauen auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen [Consequences of a Journalistic Mistake on Different Levels of Media Trust]. Presentation at the conference “Lügenpresse” - Vertrauen und Glaubwürdigkeit in der politischen Kommunikation“ [Lying Press - Trust and Credibility in Political Communication] (Joint Annual Conference 2020 of the DGPuK section „Communication and Politics“, of the DVPW section „Politics and Communication“ and the SGKM section "Political Communication") (Mainz, 05.-07.02.2020).
Ilka Jakobs (2019): The relevance of different levels of trust for public opinion formation. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) (Toronto, 19.-21.05.2019).
Ilka Jakobs, Marc Ziegele, Oliver Quiring, Nikolaus Jackob, Tanjev Schultz, Christian Schemer (2019): Skeptizismus oder Zynismus? Eine Untersuchung der Ursachen und Folgen
funktionaler und dysfunktionaler Medienkritik. [Skepticism or Cynicism? An Analysis of the Origins and Consequences of Functional and Dysfunctional Media Criticism.] Presentation at the Preconference „Trust Research in Communication Science in the Digital World - Positions and Perspectives" to the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) (Münster, 09.05.2019).
Ilka Jakobs (2019): Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Medien und Rezipienten: Zur Relevanz unterschiedlicher Ebenen von Vertrauen in Medien. [Trust Relations between Media and their Public: On the Relevance of Different Levels of Media Trust. Presentation at the Preconference „Trust Research in Communication Science in the Digital World - Positions and Perspectives" to the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) (Münster, 09.05.2019).
Ilka Jakobs & Johannes Beckert (2015): Pöbeln, weil es alle andern auch tun? Zur Komplexität der Beteiligungsmechanismen an Shitstorms. [Swearing because the others do so as well? The complexity of participation in online firestorms.] Presentation at the conference "Medienkommunikation zwischen Komplexität und Vereinfachung: Konzepte, Methoden, Praxis" [Media communication as interplay between complexity and sinplification: concepts, methods, practice] of the sections "Comupter-stimulated communication" and "Media Sociology" of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) (Berlin, 05.-07.11.2015).
Ilka Jakobs & Nicole Podschuweit (2014): Was politische Gespräche aus Sicht der Bürger bedeuten: Politikverständnis und Themenwahrnehmung in digitalen Medienumgebungen. [Common people’s understanding of politics and perception of political issues in digital media environments.] Presentation at the German Communication Association (DGPuK) conference “Digitale Öffentlichkeit(en)” [Digital public(s)] (Passau, 28.-30.05.2014).
Ilka Jakobs & Birgit Stark (2014): Die Rolle des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks in der Demokratie und sein gesellschaftlicher Mehrwert – alles eine Frage des Vertrauens? [The role of public service broadcasting in democracy and its public value – a question of trust?] Presentation at the conference „Vertrauen und Journalismus“ [Trust and journalism] of the section journalism research of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) (Münster, 20.-22.02.2014).
Ilka Jakobs (2014): Trust on the Internet. Changing patterns of information selection in digital media environments. Presentation at the doctoral workshop “Fieldwork in contemporary audience studies” of the COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies and the Young Scholars Network of ECREA (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 08.02.2014).
Ilka Jakobs (2013): Trust on the Internet. Changing patterns of information selection in digital media environments. Poster session and presentations at the Late Autumn School „Online Trust and Online Communication” of the Research Training Group “Trust and Communication in a Digitized World“ (Münster, 21.-24.11.2013).
Johannes Beckert, Ilka Jakobs & Marc Ziegele (2013): The Power of Online Firestorms – An Analysis of Factors Influencing Users to Participate in a Public Chorus of Outrage in Social Network Sites. Presentation at the conference of the ECREA section Interpersonal Communication & Social Interaction (ICSI) (Lugano, 02.-04.10.2013).
Ilka Jakobs & Nicole Podschuweit (2013): Perception of politics and political conversation behavior: A step towards new directions for the study of informal political conversation. Presentation at the conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) “Challenging Communication Research“ (London, 17.-21.06.2013).
Marc Ziegele, Ilka Jakobs & Oliver Quiring (2012): Der Diskussionswert von Online-Anschlusskommunikation. Eine explorative Inhaltsanalyse von Diskussionsfaktoren in Nutzerkommentaren. [The discussion value of media-stimulated interpersonal online communication. An explorative content analysis of discussion factors in user comments.] Presentation at the conference “Digitale Gesellschaft – Partizipationskulturen im Netz“ [Digital society – participation culture online”] of the section “Computer-stimulated Communication“ of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) (Bonn, 08.-10.11.2012).
Christine Meltzer, Ilka Lolies & Gregor Daschmann (2012): Effects on Panel Mortality in Telephone Surveys. Presentation at the “RC33 Eight International Conference on Social Science Methodology” of the International Sociology Association ISA (Sydney, Australia, 09.-13.07.2012).
Ilka Lolies (2012): Diskutieren für mehr Demokratie? Zum deliberativen Potential von Leser-Kommentaren im Internet. [Discussing for more democracy? The deliberative potential of readers comments online.] Presentation at the conference “Journalismus und (sein) Publikum. Was Journalismusforschung und Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung voneinander lernen können” [Journalism and the public. What journalism studies and audience and media effects research can learn from each other. Conference of the sections “Journalism Studies“ and “Audience and Media Effects Research“ of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) (Hamburg, 02.-04.03.2012).
Ilka Lolies (2012): Die Rolle der Glaubwürdigkeit bei der Selektion von Informationen im Internet. [The role of credibility in information selection online.] Presentation at the doctoral workshop of the section “Audience and Media Effects Research“ of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) (Hamburg, 02.02.2012).
Ilka Lolies & Marc Ziegele (2011): No Place for Discussion? A Content Analysis of User Comments on Mass Media Websites. Presentation at the conference of the Interpersonal Com-munication & Social Interaction (ICSI) Section of ECREA (Belfast, 07.-09.09.2011).